Become a Dominicaine du Saint-Esprit

The postulate

The first step is to spend one or more trial periods of discernment at the mother house in Pontcalec, during which there will be an opportunity to see up-close the life of the community, to ask questions and request admission. After this, the Postulate begins.

This lasts for between six months to one year, and allows time to discover the apostolic life of a Dominicaine, and our charism of consecrated virginity.

The novitiate

The Novitiate begins with the clothing ceremony and the receiving of the sister’s new consecrated name. The novice then begins a period of deeper discernment, which takes place over two years:

  • One year of “spiritual novitiate” (or Canonical), in order to put in place the foundations of a solid spiritual life, above all through personal and liturgical prayer, and through study and formation.
  • One year of “apostolic novitiate”, during which, in addition to her spiritual formation, she will spend a number of hours teaching and learning the pedagogy.

At the end of the two year novitiate, the novice may make a request to the “Conseil de la Sodalité” to make her temporary vow of virginity, together with the double promises of obedience and poverty, for three years. This is known as a temporary profession. She will receive the black veil and the breviary, and she embarks upon a more profound cycle of studies. She will participate more frequently in the activities and teaching at the school, and she will be given more responsibilities.

Perpetual profession – final vows

At the end of these three years, with the agreement of the Conseil de la Sodalité and the whole community, the novice may ask to make her perpetual vow of virginity, together with her vows of obedience and poverty. She will thereby be definitively joining the Dominicaines du Saint-Esprit. She receives a ring, and she submits her Charter of Profession to the Mother Superior, who represents the whole Institute.

Suscipe me, Domine, secundum eloquium tuum et vivam ! Et non confundas me ab exspectatione mea !

“Uphold me Lord, according to your Word, and I shall live. Let me not be counfounded in my expectation.”
(Psalm 118, 116)